About Me

Ahhh, Internet. The leading cause, and solution to, all of life's problems.

Don Manganar is a social introvert and prefers to shy away from potential points of interaction. So essentially, this blog should not exist.

However, he likes information and ideas and would like to share it to everyone who's willing to listen... after which he'll proceed to crawl back under his rock before anyone notices that he said anything.

It does not make sense that he likes social media so much. It doesn't make sense that he talks too much on Twitter. It also does not make sense that he's talking from a third person perspective. This space should be called About Him.

Don Manganar is a Social Media Enthusiast and Pop Culture Geek, and Socially Awkward is his blog that takes a sideways look at how Social Media and Popular Internet Culture is driving every meaningful conversation that currently exists right now. He is incredulous at how everybody finds that all this is normal. Sharing is now the best form of interaction. From news, memes, trends, and other buzzwords, Socially Awkward will poke holes at why all of this is awkwardly wrong, and somehow feels absolutely right.

If you know how it works, follow him on Twitter or leave a comment. Let the awkwardness begin.